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Different Types of Quarantine Travelers

Updated: Jul 16, 2020

Many people have asked how "Passport Twitter" is doing and honestly we aren't okay. Because of COVID-19 and quarantine, going on vacation seems like a myth from the past. To be very transparent, quarantine sucks! I miss being free to go wherever, I miss having no curfew, and I miss booking trips I can‘t afford at the moment. This lifestyle is upsetting me and my homegirls.

Travelers have found different ways to cope with this situation and new travelers have emerged. Here is a list of the different types of travelers you'll run into during quarantine.

1. The Online Traveler

She's smart. She's innovative. She can't be stopped.

2. The Money Saving Traveler

If you ain't talking savings, she can't hear you.

3. The "I'm Never Leaving the House" Traveler

Her new favorite line is, "So tell me more about your trip?"

4. The New Solo Traveler

She's about to Eat. Pray. Love the shit out her life.

5. The Group Traveler

*Facetimes her friends* "Hey girls, so I was thinking about planning....." *Friends hang up cause they are tired of hearing her talk about future girls trips*

6. The "Everything is Cheap" Traveler

You won't see her once the travel ban is lifted. RIP her bank account.

7. The "TBT" Traveler

How many pictures in front of the Effiel Tower can you post in a month?

Which traveler do you relate to the most? Let me know in the comment section!

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